Saturday 2 May 2009

Personal Trainers

Some people will ask me “do I need a personal trainer to get fit and healthy?” My usual answer is “what is your definition of fit and healthy”. It amazes me what the answer to my question is. I know one gent who is 5’8” tall, weights over 15 stone and has a 41 inch waist but because he can play football 2 days a week he states he is fit and healthy. By what he judges fit and healthy to be his answer FOR HIM will be correct because the question is far to general in nature.

Other common questions that are far to general in nature are

1) Do I need to loose weight?
2) Do need to build my fitness level?
3) Do I need to loose a dress size?
4) Do I need to loose weight on my butt, legs, stomach, etc?
5) Do I need to increase my strength?

When I new client asks me such a general question I will usually respond by asking what is it, specifically, they want to achieve and after several different answers we usually but not always end up with the fact that they want to loose fat.

I don’t know why but a lot of people are scared to admit that they are un-happy with there appearance. Maybe it’s the media interpretation of what we should look like or that some how we will be branded as a fanatic for wanting to loose body fat or maybe still people are scared to the commitment it will take to loose that body fat but, whatever the respond it becomes very obvious to me that most people do not know how to loose un-wanted body fat effectively and are not willing, have little time, have little will power to find out for themselves and end up spending hours on treadmills, going from one magazine article routine to the next or listening to friends and family on the merits of loosing weight.

The fact is you do not want to JUST LOOSE WEIGHT. You want to loose body fat because that’s what is making you look fat. As oblivious at that seems it is the truth. What it takes to loose body fat and the fact that you will carry less of the stuff around will make your cardiovascular system more efficient and your muscles stronger which will make YOU fitter than you where before you started.

Dear reader , PLEASE do not run into the trap that even after you have lost a great deal of fat, feel stronger than you did and look better than you ever have, start comparing or allow someone else compare themselves to you.

I hear this all the time that a guy will spend hours in the gym but he can’t do 20 push up or he can’t lift this or can’t lift that. There is a lot of us who have increased our strength and cardiovascular by 10 fold and lost a good chunk of fat but maybe that guy or gal who is working so hard in the gym has other reasons for doing what there doing. It could be that they are recovering from an operation, rehabilitation, dealing with an arthritic or other genetic condition. THE FACT, ONLY COMPARE YOURSELF TO YOURSELF. As far as other people having a good laugh at what you can’t do look at this as A CRY FOR HELP as they are so desperately un-happy with there own lives that have to try and bring you down to there on pathetic level so they can feel good.

Back to the question, DO I NEED A PERSONAL TRAINER??????

If you have the time to do a large portion of research and experiment on what works best for you with regards to diet and exercise AND have a high motivation to keep going than the answer is NO.

If you are lacking in any of the above, I highly RECOMMEND that you hire a personal trainer for a minimum of 16 weeks so s/he can teach you the basics that is right for you.

What personal trainer should I use???? Well that will have to be answered in another BLOG entry but I do have spots available if you’re interested.

Contact me on 01698 283301 or 07786017034. e-mail on for full price list and time spots.

I recommend that the personal trainer be qualified through the International Association of Resistant trainers (I-A-R-T) as that organisation is founded on the principles of Individualism. The trainer will find the right amount of exercise and the right diet for you not some can routine.