Saturday 25 July 2009

Got a new peice of gy equipment today haven't put it through a full test yet but look forward to the excellent low back workouts I am sure it will provide.

Saturday 18 July 2009

Why do people OVEREAT

Why do you overeat?

Here are a few likely reasons:

Habit: Whether you realize it or not, you eat in a learned pattern, rather than out of need. You clean your plate because that's what your mother taught. You eat what is served without stopping to check if you are full. You butter two pieces of toast for breakfast rather than questioning if one piece would do the job.

Absentminded: You forget to pay attention when you eat. Mindless munching while watching a movie, snacking while driving, or picking at food while cooking - these absentminded calories really add up.
Something Deeper: Sometimes you use food for recreation or to change your mood. These calories may lend you a temporary sense of comfort or pleasure, but ultimately your body suffers from the indulgence.

Here are 3 Steps To Overcome Overeating - read these, and apply them to your life.

Step #1: Pay AttentionBe aware of what and how much you eat. This simple concept will save you from hundreds upon hundreds of calories each week.To apply this rule, don't eat while your attention is distracted by another activity. Only put food in your mouth when you are hungry and conscious of it. This means turn off the T.V., get out of your car, and no matter what you do, don't graze in the kitchen while cooking.

Also, keep a food journal. Getting my clients to keep a food journal I've found is one of the best ways to help them reach their goal. A food journal provides accountability and awareness. I've noticed that the minute my clients began to stop writting and tracking their meals in the food journal - their weight and waist measurements began to plateau. They simply stop losing body fat. The food journal allows a person to stay focused on their initial goal. If you do have a trainer, get them to monitor your food journal every week. Half of what I do is psychological training and this tip is one of the best techniques I've used to help client retrain their minds and stay focused and motivated.

Step #2: Practice BalanceBe aware of the types of food that you eat during each meal, and make sure that it's balanced. When you eat a balanced diet filled with lean protein, whole grains, lots of veggies, a few daily servings of fruit and limited fat and sweets, your body will be satisfied and you'll lose the urge to overeat.This means you shouldn't always eat carb-based meals, and you also shouldn't always eat high-fat meals. Make a mental checklist of the food groups that you've eaten each day. Did you eat lean protein? Did you have plenty of vegetables? Did you refrain from eating more than one or two primarily carb-based meals? This mental checklist will save you from making food decisions that you'd later regret.

Step #3: Be Tuned InYour body will always tell you when its hunger has been satisfied - you've just gotten so good at ignoring the signs that you barrel through your meal only to feel like you've been hit by a ton of bricks once all that food hits your stomach. It's time to take a deep breath and listen to your body.An important part of being tuned in is to eat slowly. Once you start to pay attention you'll notice a point when each bite becomes less and less satisfying. That is your body's way of letting you know that you've had enough and that each continued bite is simply overkill (yes, even if you're only halfway through that plate of pasta).By learning how to control your eating habits, you'll find weight loss to come simply and naturally.

Want to speed up your weight loss, make it permanent, and shape your body at the same time? I've got what it takes to get you there! No guess work, no fad diets, and no super long workouts.

Contact me via the BLOG or call 07786017034

Thursday 2 July 2009

swim suit season. Are you Ready???

5 Beach Body Myths (and 3 Steps to Look Amazing)There's a good chance that you'll find yourself in a bathing suit sometime this month. If you are like most people then that realization will
1) bring a grimace to your face and
2) will motivate you to lose some weight.
While I commend your desire to slim down before baring it all, I'm here to warn you of the 5 myths that most people fall for. Don't waste your time on these:
Myth #1: Starve the pounds away. Attempting to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective, it's also dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you'll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results.Tip: Don't starve yourself - instead eat healthy small meals throughout the day.
Myth #2: Take diet pills to boost your effort.It's so tempting! The commercials make compelling claims about the power of diet pills, but don't fall for it. The 'magic pill' has yet to be discovered (it has been discovered - exercise. It's just not in pill form…). Diet pills are more likely to damage your health and burn your pocketbook than to slim you down.Tip: Don't pop a pill - instead burn calories with exercise.
Myth #3: Do extra crunches to flatten your abs.We all want our midsection to look toned as we stroll down the beach, but excessive crunches aren't the answer for tight abs. In order to achieve a lean look you'll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your abs.Tip: Don't obsess about crunches - instead focus on fat burning.
Myth #4: Eat packaged diet foods for speedy results.It is amazing to see the kinds of foods that are packaged as 'diet' or 'weight loss' aids. More often than not these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn't need. Tip: Don't eat packaged diet foods - instead stick with nutritious whole foods.
Myth #5: Avoid all carbohydrates in order to slim down.Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while losing weight. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars. Tip: Don't swear off all carbohydrates - instead stick with wholesome carbs.Now that you know what not to do in order to look great this summer, it's time to go over your beach ready game plan. Here's what you need to know in 3 simple steps:

Step One: Cut out the junk.The best way to do this is to start by purging your kitchen. Get rid of sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out don't buy any more of it. Remember that your beach ready abs depend on what you eat - don't eat junk!

Step Two: Focus on whole foods.Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple.

Step Three: Come train with me.This is the most obvious step. You're ready to get into great shape and I'm in a unique position to make that happen for you. Call or reply to this email to get started on an exercise plan that will make you look great on the beach, and all year round.

REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER, MIND, MIND, AND MIND. If you eat more kcals than you are burning you are going to get fat. I don’t care if you eat 2000kcals of fresh fruit and veggie, if your body is only burning 1500kcal that is 500kcal more than you need and the excess will go to fat storage.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Personal Trainers

Some people will ask me “do I need a personal trainer to get fit and healthy?” My usual answer is “what is your definition of fit and healthy”. It amazes me what the answer to my question is. I know one gent who is 5’8” tall, weights over 15 stone and has a 41 inch waist but because he can play football 2 days a week he states he is fit and healthy. By what he judges fit and healthy to be his answer FOR HIM will be correct because the question is far to general in nature.

Other common questions that are far to general in nature are

1) Do I need to loose weight?
2) Do need to build my fitness level?
3) Do I need to loose a dress size?
4) Do I need to loose weight on my butt, legs, stomach, etc?
5) Do I need to increase my strength?

When I new client asks me such a general question I will usually respond by asking what is it, specifically, they want to achieve and after several different answers we usually but not always end up with the fact that they want to loose fat.

I don’t know why but a lot of people are scared to admit that they are un-happy with there appearance. Maybe it’s the media interpretation of what we should look like or that some how we will be branded as a fanatic for wanting to loose body fat or maybe still people are scared to the commitment it will take to loose that body fat but, whatever the respond it becomes very obvious to me that most people do not know how to loose un-wanted body fat effectively and are not willing, have little time, have little will power to find out for themselves and end up spending hours on treadmills, going from one magazine article routine to the next or listening to friends and family on the merits of loosing weight.

The fact is you do not want to JUST LOOSE WEIGHT. You want to loose body fat because that’s what is making you look fat. As oblivious at that seems it is the truth. What it takes to loose body fat and the fact that you will carry less of the stuff around will make your cardiovascular system more efficient and your muscles stronger which will make YOU fitter than you where before you started.

Dear reader , PLEASE do not run into the trap that even after you have lost a great deal of fat, feel stronger than you did and look better than you ever have, start comparing or allow someone else compare themselves to you.

I hear this all the time that a guy will spend hours in the gym but he can’t do 20 push up or he can’t lift this or can’t lift that. There is a lot of us who have increased our strength and cardiovascular by 10 fold and lost a good chunk of fat but maybe that guy or gal who is working so hard in the gym has other reasons for doing what there doing. It could be that they are recovering from an operation, rehabilitation, dealing with an arthritic or other genetic condition. THE FACT, ONLY COMPARE YOURSELF TO YOURSELF. As far as other people having a good laugh at what you can’t do look at this as A CRY FOR HELP as they are so desperately un-happy with there own lives that have to try and bring you down to there on pathetic level so they can feel good.

Back to the question, DO I NEED A PERSONAL TRAINER??????

If you have the time to do a large portion of research and experiment on what works best for you with regards to diet and exercise AND have a high motivation to keep going than the answer is NO.

If you are lacking in any of the above, I highly RECOMMEND that you hire a personal trainer for a minimum of 16 weeks so s/he can teach you the basics that is right for you.

What personal trainer should I use???? Well that will have to be answered in another BLOG entry but I do have spots available if you’re interested.

Contact me on 01698 283301 or 07786017034. e-mail on for full price list and time spots.

I recommend that the personal trainer be qualified through the International Association of Resistant trainers (I-A-R-T) as that organisation is founded on the principles of Individualism. The trainer will find the right amount of exercise and the right diet for you not some can routine.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

What can you do with ab slings other than ab work????

Here is a neat trick to blast your lats.

Attach both of your ab slings to an upper pulley. Place your elbow directly into the pit of the ab sling and get on your knees facing the pulley. (You may have to play with the selected resistance) Lean forward and relax your arm as your forearms travel above your head until you feel a deep stretch in your lats. Hold that position and with control, drive your elbows down towards the floor. Play with the angle that you drive your elbows for the best feel/effect. Do about 15-20 reps with the above experiment and then carefully move your body straight up or with a small angle towards the pulley and drive your elbows (with control) to the floor again for about 15-20 reps. The high rep count is for experimentation of the move. Adjust your rep count in accordance to what your body requires for this muscle group. Insure that you have a ½ second pause at the top and bottom of the ROM.

The first part of the exercise works the stretch part of the ROM (range of motion) and the second work the contracted both without the assistance of the biceps.

Concentrate, concentrate, and concentrate when completing each rep, attempting to improve the quality of the move for maximum pump and feel. This is old school stuff and requires old school application.

Excellent move when the pullover machine is busy or like me you do not own one in your facility.

For fun, do the above and then move to pull-downs or pull-ups in a super set fashion.

Sunday 5 April 2009

Review Supra Bars

I have purchased both cable attachments recently and am very please with the different variety they provide.

I am a firm believer that if you want a muscle to grow one must change the stimulus you are providing for it. This could be as easy as working in a particular zone of the ROM (range of motion) or, as I have done, using a different cable attachment for a similar move.

With the SupraBars the black handles have a unique swivel effect which allow the user to slightly alter there wrist position within the ROM helping to target the muscle you want to work.

A great example is with cable triceps press downs (or extensions) by moving the wrist backwards or forwards the user can feel a difference in the muscle from the outer or inner head of the triceps. By focusing on which part of the triceps you want to train and moving your wrist accordingly you can target a stubborn triceps muscle into some possible new growth.

The bars, large or small can be used for rows, curls, pull downs, and extensions. I can safely say that there is a lot of variety as compared to a straight bar and the swivel is very smooth under load.

At a cost of £50.00 per bar it is a great addition to any home gym or to take with you to your commercial facility.

Pulldowns, Curls & Wide Rows

Tricep Extensions, Low Row, Narrow Grip Pulldown